Beginning in 1893 and now operating in over 50 countries, The Girls’ Brigade is one of the oldest and largest Christian movements among girls in the world.

From its beginnings right through to today, GB has focussed on Transformation by helping girls to discover personal Christian faith and being discipled to live life to the full as followers of Jesus who make a positive, Christian impact that enriches the world.
This Transformational focus on discovering faith and following Jesus is Structured as follows:

The movement has continued to grow for over a century and is now poised for significant new growth in a world where fewer girls and young women are likely to attend church.
The Girls’ Brigade is keen to partner with the church and Communities in regions and countries across the world to reach the generations that are no longer coming to church in the ways that their parents and grandparents did.

Girls’ Brigade is a global community of girls, young and mature women where each one is being empowered and equipped to discover and follow Jesus.
This takes place through the use of age appropriate discovery and equipping materials and learning that is experienced in a supportive, empowering environment.

From its beginning, Girls’ Brigade has not just been for people within the church, rather its focus has been on working alongside the church to help those with little or no church connection to become followers of Jesus Christ.
People from all backgrounds can be helped to discover and follow Christ regardless of where they are starting from and The Girl’s Brigade provides a safe and supportive environment where every girls can discover faith and follow Jesus. The Girls Brigade is Inter denominational and is keen to work alongside ‘the church’ by partnering with denominations, sharing the same Co Values and Beliefs..

Through over 100 years of mission and development, The Girls’ Brigade has continually been learning how to be innovative and remain relevant to new generations of girls in countries across the world.
This is seen today through the development of numerous video, online and creative learning opportunities and transformative projects. These innovative projects are enabling girls to engage in issues that really matter. These include topics such as Social and Gender Justice and self-image, Human Trafficking and other vital issues for generations that are growing up in the contemporary world.

A vital part of the ministry of GB has been the production of a wide range of resources that are used across the world to see Girls’ lives transformed and God’s world enriched.
To see some examples of current resources please click here.
Leadership Training

A key focus of the ministry of GBI is the effective training of the most valuable resource that we have—volunteer leaders.
We have leadership training programmes designed to empower our leaders to be able to work with girls of different age groups. Topics covered include Discipleship, Using IT effectively, Working with Children with Special Needs.
#iamgb Video
The evidence of the effectiveness of the ministry of GB around the world is not only seen by the things that we do.
The true value it is more powerfully seen by the impact of the things that we do on the lives of girls and young women. To see a glimpse of how GB is being used by God to impact the lives of Girls and young women around the world please watch this short video:

If you would like to speak with a GB ministry representative in your region to explore ways that GB may be able to partner with you and help you reach and make disciples of girls and young women in your community. Please send an email to
Individual Fellowship pages have been created with a map of the area showing countries where GB is active. Please see the links below to the Fellowship pages which will have contact details for the Fellowship.