Stories of lives transformed from across the world!
Launched on October 11th 2016 on the UN’s International Day of the Girl Child, #iamgb is still one of our most popular resources.

Raising Hope Advocacy Toolkit
Part of GB International’s on-going advocacy strategy to enable girls and young women to turn up the volume of hope in their own communities.
UN Consultative Status
In 2018 GB International gained special consultative status to the United Nation’s Committee on the Status of Women (UNCSW).
the World
Latest News

2024 Advent message from GB’s International President
Advent is a time of joyful expectation, as we prepare our hearts for Christ’s coming. As girls and women of faith we have a unique opportunity to celebrate the joy that comes from knowing Jesus Christ

International Day of Prayer
Join your prayers with those from our IPC on our International Day of Prayer

UNCSW68 Webinar – Meet GB’s Delegation of Hope!
UNCSW68 Webinar – Meet GB’s Delegation of Hope!
Saturday 15 June, 1000-1200 (BST) via zoom.