Written by International Vice Patron, Ms Hee Piang Chin
Ms Hee Piang Chin joined GB at 12 and is still part of the family. During her time in GB she has served in many leadership capacities at Company, National (Singapore), Fellowship (Asia) and International Levels.
Luke 1:26-38
I have chosen Mary, the mother of Jesus, to begin our year to rise up in strength – the theme chosen by our International President’s Committee.
1. Read Luke 1:26-38
2. This passage describes how the angel Gabriel breaks the news to Mary, a young girl engaged to be married that she will be the mother of Jesus the Christ – the long extremely Messiah for Israel. We will focus on Mary’s responses and reflect on some learning points that will help us rise up for God in the coming year.
Mary’s first response was one of being “greatly troubled”. Any visitation from an angel would surely frighten us. This is natural.
Her second response “How will this be since I am a virgin” reflects sheer bewilderment as it goes against all that she knew about human conception.
After the Angel had explained how it will take place her third response – “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said” – speaks not only of Mary’s assurance in the angel’s words “that nothing is impossible with God” but also of her understanding that as the Lord’s servant she would submit.
Mary’s faith in God’s words allowed her to accept what the angel said and enabled Mary to rise up to fulfil her destiny in God’s plan regardless of the consequences.
I am sure that we have responded in similar manner to situations we find ourselves in that somehow goes beyond our understanding. Being frightened is OK but we cannot stay too long in fear as it paralyses us. To ask questions is to seek understanding as for many of us we need to know and sometimes be convinced before we accept the truth of anything. This response also stumbles us. We need to respond in faith like Mary and trust that God is faithful to His Word and Promises if we want to rise up in strength.
As we face uncertain and changing situations in the coming year can we like Mary trust God to show us his faithfulness and power as we discern His direction and plan to us even if they don’t come from a visitation by an angel?
3. Reflection
• How have we been responding to challenges that come our way?
• Are the questions we ask reflective of our fears or faith?
• What do we need to do to take God at His Word and trust Him?