The Girls' Brigade International

Girls' lives transformed, God's world enriched


Girls' lives enriched, God's world transformed

Staff Profiles

The work of The Girls’ Brigade International wouldn’t be possible without a large and inspirational team.

International Vice Presidents, 2023
The IPC, 2023

We’re grateful to the thousands of volunteers who lead and support our groups in over 50 different countries.

Each fellowship is also led by an amazing woman—their International Vice President. Together, these women form the International President’s Committee. They have a unique insight into the needs of their fellowships and they work together to turn up the volume of hope for girls.

We’ll let them introduce themselves…

Priscilla Penny

International President

Elected at the International Conference in Zambia 2018, to be GB’s International President (2018–22) and at the 2022 conference for a further four years (2022-2026). Priscilla was previously VP for Africa for eight years and brings a wealth of experience to her new role in Girls’ Brigade.

Priscilla Penny lives in Harare, Zimbabwe with husband Claudio. As well as all that she does for GB, Priscilla and Claudio also have a busy family life, keeping abreast of all that’s happening in the lives of their four children and five grandchildren!

Priscilla shared at the closing ceremony:

As we begin on this journey together for the next four years, I wonder what plans God has for us.  I can only believe that it will be an exciting and fulfilling journey.  What will be our objectives?

  • That GB will take its place as the Oldest and Strongest Christian Organisation focusing on Girl Child Issues.
  • That GB members will be good stewards and take care of God’s creation – The Earth.
  • That GB will make a Loud Noise that cannot be missed as it turns up the volume of Hope for Girls around the world. May the Girls Brigade be the FIRST TO PRAY, THE FIRST TO SPEAK AND THE FIRST TO ACT for safety and justice for the Girl child. As it say in Proverbs 31:8-9,  “Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and the needy.”
  • GB will empower and nurture our young women to drive the Mission and Vision of GB.

The theme for 2019 is “Fruitful and Overflowing… Live Joyfully”.  I tried to understand the term “Overflowing”.  Producing Fruit is a process from preparing the soil, to harvest and then sharing the fruit.  How do we get there?  How do we get to a point where we move beyond private and personal breakthrough to being so full of the Holy Spirit that we become carriers of His Glory and have His presence overflow out of our inner spirit into every area of our soul, body and around us, bringing healing and freedom to those we come into contact with, to our girls especially as we seek to Transform Lives.

We maybe separated by land, water, different cultures,  but we are one family with one Mission … to Transform the lives of the girls.  ONE GB … ONE MISSION!!!

Aruk Omori


Aruk Omori is married to John and has three children, two boys and a girl. She is from Calabar in Cross River State of Nigeria where she works as a school principal.

She has served as a captain of 13th Calabar company for ten years. She has also been the Cross River State Council Secretary for ten years and National Assistant Secretary GB Nigeria for five years. She has used her professional skills serving as chairman of The Cross River State Education department of the Girls ‘ Brigade preparing girls for competition, has been involved in training camps and leading officers’ refresher courses. These roles have involved her in National and International Conferences and she is called now to serve GB AFRICA as their International Vice President from January 2018.

Her interests include writing, reading , working with children, travelling and meeting with people.

Aruk Omori
Ms Nancy Shaw
Ms Nancy Shaw


Quindell Ferguson

Caribbean & Americas

IVP for the Caribbean & Americas Fellowship, Quindell lives in the beautiful setting of Jamaica. 2018 marks the beginning of her first term as IVP. Quindell says:

‘I’m really looking forward to this new post. Your prayers and support would be appreciated during this time so that God will help me to carry out my duties.’

Quindell has served the Caribbean & Americas Fellowship in many roles over the years and is really looking forward to this new post. Your prayers and support would be appreciated during this time so that God will help her to carry out her duties.

In addition to Girls’ Brigade she is Co-Founder and Artistic director to the Jamaica Youth Theatre, Chairperson of Secondary School’s Drama Festival and the Caribbean Secondary School’s Drama Festival. She also run a local theatre costume design and rental shop. Quindell is one of Jamaica’s leading collectors of period costumes and theatre props. Finally she’s an active member in her church where she serves as Technical Consultant, Chairperson Fundraising and member of the Property Committee.

Quindell Ferguson
Amelia Heaford
Amelia Heaford


Mrs Kaylene Trembath


Kaylene is from Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia. Kaylene took over the position of IVP for the Pacific in April 2024 after serving 8 years as Deputy Chair. During this time, Kaylene assisted with GB training in the Pacific and has been able to get to know Godly women who were eager to learn all about Girls’ Brigade and how they could use their God given gifts to transform girls and enhance God’s Kingdom.

Kaylene has been a leader in Girls’ Brigade for 26 years and is currently Captain of her local company. Other Girls’ Brigade involvement consisted of NSW Training Coordinator and NSW Deputy Commissioner for many years.

Kaylene has been blessed with 5 grown up children, 3 boys and 2 girls and 4 grandchildren, 3 boys and 1 girl with another baby due to arrive in August. Kaylene loves being called Nanna!

Kaylene works shifts full time as an Aged Care Nurse and here she is also blessed with the love of the elderly who just want someone to care for them.

Other interests are sport, mainly athletics. Kaylene has been involved in Athletics NSW for over 30 years and volunteers as a State Official at NSW Championships and has been selected to officiate at three National Level Championships. When there is some down time, Kaylene loves watching sport on TV and is also a keen reader.  Kaylene worships at the Warrawong Anglican Church and belongs to a weekly bible study.

Kaylene believes that God has chosen her to lead through Girls’ Brigade and is grateful to be given the opportunity to share her skills and wisdom by sharing Girls’ Brigade through training and relationships, empowering young women and ladies to enhance their lives and to go outside their comfort zone, so that God’s light may shine through them so that others can commit their lives to Christ.

Betty McComb
Betty McComb


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