Come and join The Girl’s Brigade as we come together in prayer as a family on 10th June 2023.
It was on 10th June, 1968 when the three organisations, The Girls’ Brigade (Ireland), The Girls’ Guildry (Scotland) and The Girls’ Life Brigade, from a journey of pioneering that began in 1893, came together to form The Girls’ Brigade! The Girls’ Brigade has been and still is a Responsive, Relational and Relevant Christian Mission focused on the Girl Child. The world has evolved since 1893 and there is a desperate need to introduce the Gospel and make disciples in this very challenging world.
So on this our Birthday, please join us as we pray for each GB Fellowship.
Wherever you are, take time on 10th June to join the GB Family in prayer, take time to reflect on the story of GB, 130 years later, we are still relevant.
You can view a prayer video for each Fellowship on our Facebook page at various times throughout the day: