Greetings from the South of England. I am fortunate to live on the Isle of Wight and our island motto is “All this beauty is of God.”
We have spent a busy few months being overrun by visitors coming to view the countryside and beaches; now we are able to enjoy the facilities ourselves. A time to relax and reflect as we begin to prepare for the new session in our school, work and Girls’ Brigade lives.
As we take time to look at nature and see the changes of the seasons. We have just experienced the fullness of summer when plants are in full bloom and trees are laden with fruit and lots of leaves. We all seek refuge from the sun under the shade of a tree. Now we enter into the Autumn – the harvests have taken place and we have given thanks to God for all he has given us, the leaves are beginning to change colour and fall from the trees and the weather is cooling. It is time to work hard in the garden preparing for the winter – we have lots of pruning, weeding and feeding the soil so that next year we will once again be able to enjoy the fruits of our labour.
We need to do the same in Girls’ Brigade. We ended the academic year celebrating the achievements of the girls and spending time with their families. Then we held our annual camp – a time to have fun with the girls on our outings as well as teaching them new life skills and encouraging them on their faith journey.
The leaders have reflected on the past year and discussed the different ways that we have helped the girls to reach their full potentials, before we turn our attention to looking forward and planning this next year. What has God planned for us? What challenges will he present to us?
In Girls’ Brigade now is the time to challenge one another to share our faith, to share God’s love with all the girls we meet and help each girl to live the life God has planned for them.
Psalm 1:3
“He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.”
As you plan, prepare and deliver your badge work ensure God is at the heart of all you do. We are doing His work among the girls and God will equip us with all that we need. Each time we meet with the girls we are sowing seeds – many us will not see the harvest but God will and He will rejoice.
I express my thanks to you all for your love of God, your commitment in bringing girls into His kingdom and your dedication to open their eyes & hearts to all the wonderful things God has in store for them.
Enjoy every moment.
Every blessing,

Betty McComb
International Treasurer